Monday, 17 March 2014

Making a castle hanging!

We have started to make a castle hanging. The children have chosen which item they would like to create for the hanging, drawn it and chosen their fabrics. Then the children pinned their patterns to their fabrics!


Some of us have even cut our fabric to the shape of the pattern!

Today we have been adding stitching to bring our designs to life.

What great concentration!

Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Finding out about houses in the past

Class 2 have been finding out about houses 110 years ago and 70 years ago. The BBC website has both Dynamo History about Victorian Times and also World War 2 Children information. 

We have written notes to help us to write some information texts.

Thursday, 6 March 2014

World Book Day

We have been sharing favourite books with children from other classes.

Chilling out with a book...

We wrote fact files about our favourite books so that we can see which are similar to others and then we drew and painted our front covers. We will put them on display to remind us of other books we may like to read.